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Fish lake is an intricate biological system. It in propensities phytoplankton and zoo tiny fish on its surface (Epilimnion); different...
AQUACULTURE AND EFFLUENT TREATENTWater is a limited asset and keeping in mind that India appreciates plentiful supplies of water contrasted...
1.A disease caused by Ichthyophthirius multifils diseaseA) Known as Ich, Icky, or infection with a white spot(B) The most typical...
1) Viruses are communicated from one host to the next through a structure called "virion". 2) Viruses are characterized primarily dependent...
Pathology is the investigation of the instruments of malady (with accentuation on etiology and pathogenesis), while efficient pathology is the...
In light of the level of progress and speed of advancement three phases in developmental cycle can be distinguished: 1) Origin...
process of translationdefinition:this is the process in which genetic information in the form of genetic codes that are present on...
Definition of recombinant DNA:This is actually the manufacturing of totally a unique kind of DNA this happen by joining together...
What is a typical gene? Genes are composed of DNA and typically have promotor region and terminator region attach. The basic...
Blunt and Sticky ends:The ends that we called sticky ends or also called cohesive ends these...