What is Different Between White Blood Cell, Red Blood Cell, Platelets And Their Function, ABO Blood Types.

▉ RBC (Red blood Cells)
RBC present large amount in our body system estimate the quantity of RBC is 6 million in males and females have 5 million
The function of RBC
  1. Is to transport of oxygen and little amount of Co2
  2. And another is to compose of salt,enzyme,and proteins
  3. Average life time of RBC is 120 days
▉ WBC (White Blood Cells)
  1. Have no colour
  2. no pigment are present
  3. amount of wbc is 8000
  4. Life span few month or year
2 Types of WBC:

  • Granulocytes 
  • Agranulocytes

▉ Platelets
They are not consider as a cell.platelets present on bone marrow amount of platelets is about 250,000.
Help in blood to clot when take some injury.
▉ ABO Blood Types.
The major type of ABO blood system is A blood group,B,AB and O blood group types.These groups are named because of antigent present in these group.If blood have A antigen than named A blood group.If B than B group and so on.

▉ Rh System.
If blood group have Rh antigen present they are named Positive group.If not present than named negative group.
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