What is Defense Mechanism Their Types and Examples of Defense Mechanisms


 Ego is developing a defense strategy in an effort to
reduce tensions between ID and Superego. It is also known as the ego defense
mechanism because it was invented by the ego. It is designed to make the
personality work properly
Defensive tactics are characterized by denial or distortion of reality in order
to reduce tensions, this is normal behavior and it runs on an unconscious
level. Once used defensively, its purpose is to reduce stress but if used
excessively it means that the individual is trying to avoid facing reality.

Below is a table of the list of defense





Unpleasant memories are stored in the subconscious mind and are not available to the conscious mind.

An accident victim nearly dies but remembers none details of the accident


Transferring feelings of hostility to someone else who is less dangerous than the original source

After parental scolding, a young girl takes her anger out on her little brother.


Having unacceptable actions seem logical and rational by justifying or giving a fair explanation

A student fails a test because she did not study hard enough but blames her failure on the teacher for using ‘tricky’ question


Reality is twisted to fulfill the desires of individuals.

An alcoholic fails to acknowledge that he is addicted to alcohol


Reversing the characteristic behavior of the first stage of development

After Lucy’s parents bitter divorce, she refuse to sleep alone in her room and crawling into bed with her mother

Reaction formation

Thinking or behaving in the way that worries them is the exact opposite

A woman who loves an unobtainable man but behaves as though she hates him


Allocated to share one’s thoughts, feelings and motivations with others

Sue feels a sexual attraction to her track coach and tells her friend, “He’s likes me.”


Covering up weaknesses by emphasizing certain desired features

A physically handicapped boy is unable to participate in football, so he compensates by becoming a great scholar.


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