Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31 in Urdu Subtitles, Are you crazy? You’re going to murder her. I don’t care if he’s dead because I don’t have the willpower to care if he is. The most compelling thing that comes to me when I think of our troops is that they will be martyred if hard plate is passed. What are you doing? What’s the matter with you? You were a knucklehead. OK, there are mobes, I realise. My God, my Lord! What’s the matter with you? If you leave my arm, I’ll be able to concentrate on my task. Finally, I guessed you wouldn’t show up.
Teskilat Episode 31 (Season 2) We expected the others to arrive, so please open that door. Look, the key is in the right place. Could we please leave right now? Hey! Hello, please include me in your solution. Hello, Murat! I brought a friend who is a seasoned pro. Who is this person? What is this place? From here on out, Son, this is the spot where you will continue your life. Father, I suspected you of being the mastermind behind this scheme. Gürcan Right now, I don’t have the opportunity to supervise you. Please take a seat right now. Besides, I’m not the one who came up with this concept, and you’re not either. If it were up to you, you’d prefer that I rot in jail.
Teskilat Episode 32 in Urdu Subtitles
In Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31, I said Gürcan isn’t as of now What are the conditions? Hulki was shot Righteous continues to struggle with men my President Gürcan we are in two fundamental errands Come on plunk down What? These occurrence now are as well? Is it genuine that they are alive? Without a doubt Keep calm and sympathetically plunk down Let’s What is the situation? He deliberately crashed into Ceren’s vehicle. Teskilat Season 2 Episode 29 in Urdu Subtitles, But he is in OK condition Just got away from the vehicle About to stir We want to get the hard circle About to stir! We want to go to Serdar to walk! God damn it!
In Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31, Hello, I’ll report an accident. Someone from our team should be in charge of cleaning up the mess. All right, President Gürcan has worked for you. Please stay to the side and don’t come too near. I contacted a crisis car. We’ve been assaulted by emergency support, President! We really should! Murat! Murat, please accept me as well! Also, go after me! Murat! When you think about your task like way, you usually ask Murat to pass it like this. We have a great load of difficulties.
Teskilat Episode 31 (Season 2) Psychological assailants are fleeing the scene. Help with squeezing is required! I’m going to murder you! Murat! We really should! Isn’t it true that any sensible individual believes he’s dead? This location has been made available. Let’s get out of here before the help with gathering arrives! Please come here. Murat is no longer alive. By and large, our association will not keep us alive. Is it a matter of our inadequacy? If he hadn’t returned, I would have gotten this person.
Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31 in Urdu Subtitles
Turkish Series Teskilat Episode 31 of Season 2 will be published on 23rd January 2022 on TV while it will be available in Urdu Subtitles on 24 January 2022 on this website.
Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31 in English Subtitles
The best intelligence department Teskilat Season 2 Episode 31 will be live on 23rd January 2022 on TRT1 while it will be available in English Subtitles on 24 January 2022 on this website.
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