Support and Movement Chapter 13 – 10th Biology Notes

Chapter 13

 Support and Movement

1. What is rheumatoid Arthritis?
Ans. In joints there is inflammation occur at membrane.

2. Write its symptoms?
Ans. Fatigue,low grade fever,pain,and stiffness in joints.

3. What are hinge joints?
Ans. Those which move to and fro like door and move only one plane.

4. Differentiate between Gout and Osteoarthritis?
Ans. When uric acid deposit at move able joints is called Gout and break down of cartilage at joints is called osteoarthritis.

5. Define origin and  insertion?
Ans. End of muscle attach to immovable bone is known as origin and attach to move able bone is called insertion.

6. What is different between hyaline and elastic cartilage?
Ans. Dense flexible cover the end of long bones nose,larynx,trachea. Elastic and strong is known as elastic cartilage.

7. What are tendon?
Ans. Band of connective tissues they are tough.

8. What are ligments?
Ans. Strong but flexible band and join to one another.

9. Write the role of Skeletal system?

Ans. Provide protection, Support, Movement, protect brain and internal organs.

10. What are ball and socket joints?
Ans. Ball joints give movement in all side but socket joints are those are hips and shoulder joints.

11. What are types of connective tissues?
Ans. Bones and cartilage.

12. What are biceps and triceps muscles?
Ans. Upper bone arm flex on the front side is called biceps. Back bone muscles extensor is triceps.

13. How many bones skull contain?
Ans. Skull contain 22 bones in these bones 8 bones cover brain 14 shape the face  and 6 bones make ear. 

14. What is sternum?
Ans. Chest made by a bone known as chest bone and these called sternum.

15. How many types of joints write its name?
Ans. There are two types of joints.immovable joints which not make motion other is small movable joints which make the movement.

16. What is antagonistic action?
Ans. In antagonistic action one muscle contract other relax these both muscles work opposite to each other and make a movement is called antagonistic action.

17. What is osteoporosis?
Ans. Osteoporosis is a disease of  a bone affect old specially females in old age in which bone thickness reduce due to deficiency of calcium and also caused by lack of protein vitamin c.

18. How many bones present in appendicular skeleton?
Ans. It contain 126 bones 4 bones present in shoulder both hands bones 54 hips 2 bones and in legs 6 bones present feet contain 54 bones.

19. What is osteocytes?
Ans. The mature bone cell called osteocytes.

20. What is endoskeleton?
Ans. The human skeleton present inside is known as endoskeleton.
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