Research Methodology: Definitions, Scientific Method And Types

▉ Definition

Specific strategy used to answers the questions and resolve problems.A lay man are not more reliable.
▉ Sources(Types)
▉ Familiar Sources.
Those Sources which are not scientific and common methods or traditions use.
▉ Traditions.
To find disease cause traditions method use for e.g past days when any bacteria attack human body than traditions treatment use if feel fever than quinine a bark of tree is use.

▉ Authority.

For some problems or disease go to the expert person to find solution of these.Seeking opinions of expert person who hope knows the best.
▉ Common Sense.
When we consider right is followed social and economics difficulties are kept in mind.
▉ Unfamiliar sources.
Those sources which are used by scientist not lay person is called unfamiliar sources like experiments,observations,and judgments.
▉ Nature Of Sciences.
  • Try to discover facts.
  • Depend upon observation.
  • Use of it.
  • Raw data is collected on the bases of this information is interlinked. Bats are introduced in crops at night in many countries.
  • Observation.
  • Collect observation.
  • Interlinking.
  • Conclusion.

▉ Scientific Method.

  • Clarification of question.
  • Hypothesis development.
  • Collection of data.
  • Analysis of data.
  • Interpretation of data.
  • Draw the conclusion.
  • Acceptance and rejection of hypothesis.
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