Reproduction Chapter 14 – 10th Biology Notes

Chapter 14


1. Define Reproduction?
Ans. Production of individual of the same generation of the species.

2.How many types of Reproduction?
Ans. There are two types of reproduction one is Asexual reproduction in which only one parent involve other is sexual reproduction in which both parents involve.

3. Write the names of Asexual reproduction method?
Ans. Binary fission,Fragmentation,Budding,Spore formation, Parthenogensis,vegetative propagation.

4. What is Binary fission?
Ans. Conversion of one to two in which one individual divide to two it produce duplicate copies and cell divide make  occur in protozoan,planaria.

5. What is Fragmentation?
Ans. Worms grow to full size then break up more than 1 pieces is known as fragmentation.planaria breaks into many pieces.

6. Define budding with example?
Ans. Budding is a process in which a small bud is produced in one side of the body and later develop in to new plant.for example in yeast nuclie divide and move in to the bud which develop new individual.

7. What is spore formation?
Ans. A thick walled cell called sporangia.when sporangium mature they develop many new plants which produces many daughter spores.

8. Write about short note on parthenogensis?

Ans. In parthenogensis unfertilized egg develop in to new individual is known as parthenogensis it occur in some is type of a sexual reproduction.

9. What is vegetative reproduction?
Ans. It is artificial method in which small part of plant body grow and make a full mature plants.stem leaves.

10. How many types of vegetative reproduction write names of its?
Ans. There is two types of vegetative reproduction one is natural reproduction and other is artificial vegetative reproduction.

11. Write the advantage of vegetative reproduction?
Ans. There are following advantage of vegetative reproduction. They reproduce identical copy of individual.Beneficial characteristics are preserved in this method.

12. What the disadvantages of vegetative reproduction?
Ans. No genetic variation found in this method.when one individual attack by disease all entire crops destroy.

13. Define pollination?
Ans. Pollination is defined as transfer of pollen grain from one flower anther to stigma of other flower.two type of pollination one is self pollination other is cross pollination.

14. Write the difference of self and cross pollination?
Ans. In self pollination pollen grain transfer same plant flower and in cross pollination transfer from flower of one plant to flower of other plant.

15. How many parts angiosperm exist of?
Ans. Three parts of angiosperm consist of.
1. the embryo formed from zygote,
2. the endosperm tissue formed from endosperm nucleus, and
3. the third part seed coat.

16. Write the difference between hypogeal and epigeal?
Ans. In epigeal germination, the hypocotyl extend and in the form of hook, develop the cotyledons upper side of the soil. Beans, cotton and papaya are the examples. In hypogeal germination, the epicotyl elongates and forms the hook. In this type of germination, the cotyledons stay underground. Pea, maize and coconut.

17. What is gamerogensis?
Ans. Gametes production is known as gametogensis.In this method mother double cell reduce to single and male sperm both are combine and make a new individual.

18. What is spermetogensis?
Ans. In seminiferous tubules cell divide and develop large number of cell first step is primary spermatocyte which repeat and produce haploid secondary spermatocyte.

19. Write a note on oogensis?
Ans. Production of egg cell is known as oogensis. One primary coocyte cell of ovary take completes meiosis-I and than develop two haploid cells. The tiny cell is called pre polar body and the other large is called secondary oocyte. The secondary oocyte completes meiosis-II and produces two haploid cells i.e. Post polar body and an egg cell.

20. What is the difference between external and enternal fertilization?
Ans. In external fertilization, egg cells are fertilized outside of body. External fertilization occurs mostly in water bodies like fishes.In internal fertilization egg fertilized inside the female body.
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