Molecular Basis Of Tuberculosis Symptoms And Causes.


What Is Tuberculosis?
We can also define tuberculosis in our own words.Tuberculosis is a rapidly spread disease and they most damage human lungs. Spread of this T.B bacteria many ways like sneezing,coughing and through surgical instruments or bad air condition environment.

Two Major Types Of T.B infection.
  • First is Pulmonary that mostly affect on lungs and make lung function improperly.
  • Second type is Extra Pulmonary This type mostly affected by bones and our joints point we can no move freely our arms or legs because of feel too much pain on joint side.
Symptoms In Which We Can Eeasily Detect T.B Presences.
  1. Sweating mostly night time.
  2. Stiffness 
  3. When coughing blood come out side through mouth.
  4. Chest pain.
  5. High temperature .
  6. Shivering
  7. Spots on skin

  • Main Cause Of Tuberculosis
The main cause of T.B and most common cause of this infection is Mycobacteria This bacteria spread one person to other person through mini droplets or blood contamination.
The chances of T.B increase by HIV or drugs alcohol use these drugs increase T.B chances and decrease our immunity to fight against T.B.
  • Many Risk Factors 
Immune system if weak than not prevent body to against bacteria our immune system became weak by diabetes,some kidney problem,or lack of eating proper food.
Use of tobacco also weak immune 
  • Some Prevention Make You Safe And Your Family
  1. If some one have this infection and want save our family from this Then obey some instruction.
  2. Do not go outside or public places.
  3. Must wear mask on mouth.
  4. Live openly air room.
  5. Cover mouth with handkerchief when coughing or sneezing.
  6. Complete medicine course or treatments.
  7. Properly vaccination done.
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