Information About Research

Research Approach and Methodology (nine pages most extreme) 
?Portrays how your undertaking will be actualized, including your logical methodology, definite assignments/exercises to be directed, strategies and gear to be utilized, and task inputs. Determine the strategies to the degree expected to give an unmistakable thought of the undertakings to be led and the discoveries they will yield. 
Gear (two pages greatest) 
?Rundown the gear accessible at your organization, just as the hardware that you have to buy utilizing STDF reserves. The required hardware ought to be recorded in a table that additionally demonstrates the reason for which every gear will be utilized in the venture, and its expense. 

Venture Management (two pages most extreme) 
?Depict how the proposed research work will be separated into “Work bundles”, or assignments/exercises. State unmistakably the job of each exploration colleague in the various errands/exercises. At whatever point conceivable, the errands/exercises ought to be recorded in the request in which they will be executed. 

Time Schedule – Gantt Chart (two pages most extreme) 
?The Gantt diagram should demonstrate the time span for directing the distinctive task exercises. At whatever point conceivable, the titles and numbering of the undertakings/exercises ought to be equivalent to those given in the “Task Management” segment. The Gantt graph ought to be readied utilizing the layout given in Annex 3. 

Expected Project Outcomes and Impact (one page greatest) 
?Rundown your normal task’s yields (commonly unmistakable items, for example, International diary articles or skill (patent), product(s), expansion notices, model, product(s), MSc and PhD theories or some other explicit, clear, and quantifiable yields. Stay away from general advantages and spotlight on explicit, quantifiable advantages as it were. 
Spending Table (2-3 pages, contingent upon the undertaking term) 
?A different spending table ought to be finished for every time of the undertaking, utilizing the format gave in the future (Annex 4). 
Spending Justification (one page most extreme) 
?For various spending things that are recorded in the spending table, and which might be un-itemized (for example travel costs, lab supplies, different expenses, … and so forth.), give increasingly point by point data about these recorded things, and clarify how their all out expenses were determined. 
Key References (one page most extreme) 
?Rundown exceptional, later and applicable writing refered to in the proposition.
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