Standing cost to build information and Running cost to run a system.
Input more compare to output.
Fcr is used to calculate efficiency this value of fcr ratio feed efficiency or not rather business benefit or not.
1 to 10 FCR value tell us about ratio of feed vs converted in to meat because good is to obtain meat 500 grams produce 250 fish.
FCR is equal to amount of feed multiply 2 and over amount of feed.Value of feed is given in kg not by number.
▉Factor Affecting FCR.
There are 4 factor affect that.
▉Feed Type.
Different type of feed available and cost of feed mainly reflect to amount of is important for producing milk supply.
FCR depend upon cost and efficiency of feed.Cost is directly or indirectly relate to efficiency of feed.
▉ Water Condition And pH.
If water are polluted and contain too much ammonia,ions,or acidity than fish take stress.So maintain H2o quality.
Use parameter to check conc of oxygen in water.
▉ Experities Of Labour.
Your worker know how to work,how to feed,how to calculate proper amount of feed and how much feed given to the fish per day because no much feed is waste.
▉ Species Selection.
Select those species whose growth rate more as compared to others and effect more by FCR.