Function Of Heart In Human Body

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▉heart is the most significant piece of our body.heart is arranged between lungs in chest pit. 
?heart structure.heart comprise of four chambers.the upper slight chambers aur called left and right atria and lower thick walled chamber called left and right ventricles.human heart work like a twofold pump.first gets deoxyegenated blood from body from body and siphon it to lungs.mean time gets oxygenated blood from lungs and send it to all pieces of body. 
▉Capacity of heart. 
?first right chamber gets less oxygen blood from body through a veins known as predominant and second rate vena cava.when right chamber contracts it passes the less oxygen blood into right right atria and ventricle there is an opening present known as tricuspid valve.when right ventricle contract the blood go to the aspiratory trunk.function of tricuspid valve is to avoid the reverse of blood. 
?oxygen more blood gets from pneumonic veins to left chamber and afterward send it to left ventricle by the compression of left chamber in the middle of these opening aur present knows as tricuspid valve capacity like tricuspid valve.when left ventricle contract it send blood to all body parts through aorta.all aorta base aortic semilunar valve present which avert the reverse of blood.
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