Effect of Human Activities on Vegetation – Zoology Vegetables Studies

▉ Human activities within a landscape often result in fragmentation of the land with the division of the landscape by elements such as roads contributing to the loss of habitat and proliferation of exotic species. 

▉ Roads interact with ecosystem across a wide range of scales. For example, at small scales, heavy metal molecules accumulate in soils adjacent to roads. 

▉ At intermediate scales, roads disrupt soil structure and hydrological pathways and alter plant and animal communities. 

▉ At large scales (region to nation), roads alter migration patterns and increase spread of exotic organisms.

▉ Roadside vegetation, whether native or exotic, can make a major contribution to landscape character, pollution control, conservation and aesthetic beauty of roadside environment and their proper management is necessary for the achievement of sustainable road systems.Roadside verges have great potential for grassland plants

▉ Management of roadside vegetation is important for its persistence and its proper management is dependent on the provision of meaningful scientific data. 

▉ For ‘ecologically sound management’ of roadside verges, the knowledge of local conditions is necessary because roadside verges differ in their biological characteristics from place to place and also within the same region, mainly because of rapid changes in local geography and patterns of land use. 
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