Coordination and Control Chapter 12 – 10th Biology Notes

Chapter 12

 Coordination and Control

1. Define Stimuli and Response?
Ans. Stimuli Those factors which carry response on certain things like light,temperature etc, Response.When receive signal the action of affector take place.

2. How brain is protected?
Ans. Cranium and meninges.

3. What is  paralysis?
Ans. All loss of muscle function.damage the central nervous system.

4. Write its symptoms?
Ans.Pain through out body.lower body side all four limbs.

5. What is meant by myelin sheath?
Ans. Fatty acid layer around schwann cell is known as myelin sheath.

6. What is spindle cord?
Ans. Bundle of nerves it initiate brain stem cell and continuous on a lower back.

7. What is somatic nervous system?
Ans.The response which is our control and do to our wish.

8. How unicellular oragnisms coordinate their functions?
Ans.They show coordination response against chemical stimuli.

9. How ears maintain body balance?
Ans. Semicircular canal and vestibules both are help to maintain the our body balance.semicircular contain any nerve which control the movement of head and vestibules function control posterior body side.

10. Define coordination with its two type?
Ans. When tissues and organ work together is called coordination. Nervous coordination and chemical coordination.

11. What is different between receptor and affector?
Ans. The organ or tissues which detect stimuli is called receptor and those which show action is known as affector.

12. Write down the finction of thalmus?
Ans. Connection between all parts of brain and spinal cord.receive and modify all message to other part.

13. Write down the structure of internal ear? 
Ans. It compose of three parts vestibule,semicircular,and cochlea.inner ear central part is vestibule cohlea is made of three ducts which wrap around each other.

14. What is myopia?
Ans. Eye ball elongation is called myopia.

15. What is function of parathormone?
Ans. Parathormone enhance the level of calcium in blood more salts absorbed from the bone and send in to blood.

16. Write the function of dendrite and axon?
Ans. The dendrite conduct impulses toward cell body and axon conduct away from the cell body.

17. What is  Salutatory impulses?
Ans. Those impulses which jump over the area of myelin sheath from node to node.

18. What are meninges?
Ans. Three layers of brain covering is known as meninges.

19. Write down the function of midbrain?
Ans. Receive information and send its to forebrain.

20. What are ganglian?
Ans. Cell body neurons aggregation is called ganglian.

21. Write two function of oxytocin?
Ans. Stimulte the contraction of uterus,and necessary for ejection of milk.

22.Define colour blindness?
Ans. Fail to distinguish different between colours
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